Turn-Based Strategy Games Explained

  1. Free online multiplayer games
  2. Strategy online multiplayer games
  3. Turn-based strategy games

Turn-Based Strategy Games are a timeless and beloved genre of gaming that has been around since the early days of computing. Players take turns to make their moves, and the decisions they make during their turn will affect the outcome of the game. This type of game can be as simple as a board game or as complex as a real-time strategy game. Whether you're an experienced player or just starting out, Turn-Based Strategy Games offer something for everyone.

In this article, we'll explain what they are and how to get started playing them. Turn-based strategy games are turn-based, meaning that each player takes their turn to make a move or play a card. This allows for strategic planning and decision making, as players can consider their options before committing to any action. It also allows for an even playing field, as players can take as much time as they need to make their move. The game mechanics vary from title to title, but typically involve some form of resource management and/or unit movement.

Some games may also include elements of card play and luck. Each game has its own unique set of rules and objectives, which makes them all the more interesting to play. One of the most popular turn-based strategy games is Sid Meier's Civilization series. This series has become a classic in the genre, with its focus on resource management and exploration.

Players must manage their civilization's resources, build structures, research technologies, and engage in diplomacy with other civilizations in order to achieve victory. Other popular titles include XCOM 2, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and Age of Wonders: Planetfall. Turn-based strategy games are appealing because they offer a unique challenge that requires both strategic thinking and quick decision making. They also offer an immersive experience that allows players to explore different worlds and experience different cultures.

Finally, they are often incredibly replayable, as no two games will ever be the same.

Popular Titles

The turn-based strategy genre has produced a variety of popular titles over the years. One of the most renowned games in this genre is Sid Meier's Civilization series. This long-running franchise has spawned several spin-offs and expansions, and it remains one of the most popular turn-based strategy games today. Another popular title is XCOM 2, a turn-based tactical game developed by Firaxis Games.

This game puts players in charge of an elite team of operatives tasked with defending Earth from an alien invasion. Players must make strategic decisions in order to survive and ultimately defeat the alien threat. Fire Emblem: Three Houses is another popular turn-based strategy game. This tactical role-playing game gives players control of a group of students at a magical school, and tasks them with leading their squad to victory in strategic battles.

Finally, Age of Wonders: Planetfall is a sci-fi turn-based strategy game that tasks players with colonizing and developing a new world. Players must use their wits to build structures, defend against threats, and survive in a hostile environment.

History of Turn-Based Strategy Games

Turn-based strategy games have their roots in board games such as chess and Go. These games have been around since ancient times and were often used as a way to teach military tactics.

In the mid-1980s, computerized versions began to appear, allowing for more complex mechanics and scenarios than what was possible in board games. The genre has since grown to become one of the most popular in gaming. The early turn-based strategy games were made up of two-dimensional grids with a variety of terrain types, which players had to navigate in order to attack their opponents. Players had to use careful planning and strategy to succeed, as each turn required them to make decisions that could affect the outcome of the game. As the genre progressed, more complex mechanics and scenarios were introduced, such as fog of war and resource management. The popularity of turn-based strategy games is due to the depth of strategy and tactics that they provide.

Players must make decisions based on their knowledge of the game’s mechanics and their opponent’s possible moves. This creates an immersive experience that can be highly competitive and rewarding for those who master the game’s systems. In conclusion, turn-based strategy games provide a unique and entertaining challenge that requires careful planning and decision making. With a rich history and dozens of popular titles to choose from, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re a fan of classic board games, or just looking for a new way to challenge yourself, turn-based strategy games offer an immersive experience that you won’t soon forget.

Emily Harris
Emily Harris

Lifelong beer maven. Extreme web trailblazer. Pop culture buff. Typical bacon maven. Subtly charming social media scholar.